Mastering the art of Software Engineering

with a passion for creating innovative and engaging experiences in Web3.

Where I've been

Senior Software Engineer, Mobile Wallet


Aug 2023 - Present

Senior Software Engineer, Mobile Core


Sep 2022 - Aug 2023

Software Engineer, Mobile โ€” Founder


Apr 2018 - Sep 2022

Software Engineer, Cryptography


Apr 2020 - Jun 2021

Software Engineer, Full Stack


Apr 2018 - Mar 2020

Heriot-Watt University

B.Sc. Computer Science

with Honours of the First Class

Open Source

Status Mobile

Mobile ethereum operating system, built with go-ethereum and React Native.

Sticknet Engine

Backend system for Sticknet. Stack includes: Django, Storj, AWS, Firebase, and Stripe.

Sticknet Web

Web app version of Sticknet, built with React and TypeScript.

Stick Protocol

Re-establishable group end-to-end encryption with post-compromise security.

Featured Work


Founded in 2018, Sticknet is a cloud storage with an integrated social network. Sticknet is fully end-to-end encrypted and its storage is decentralized.

End-to-end encrypted and decentralized

Sticknet offers what no other cloud storage has. Unmatched confidentiality with state-of-the-art end-to-end encryption. Next level security and sustainability with decentralized storage.

Verified Architecture

Sticknet's security features are provided by the open-source and peer-reviewed Stick Protocol. The Stick Protocol paper is published in IEEE TDSC โ€“ one of the highest impact-factor security journals in the world.

Fully open source

Sticknet's code including the mobile apps, web app, backend server, and the protocol is open source.